
Insight and Opinions

Neil Pascale
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Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update for NMMA Canada Members

NMMA Canada Members

Dear NMMA Canada Members,

As you know, the situation with novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has been rapidly evolving in Canada and across the world.

Government response to date
The federal government has committed to support businesses and workers in the face of the economic threat of COVID-19. Some steps the government has taken to date include:
• Waiving one-week EI sickness benefit waiting period for people off sick with coronavirus;
• Enhancing work-sharing program that allows employees to retain their jobs with reduced hours;
• Establishing a $10-billion credit facility program – delivered through the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) and Export Development Canada (EDC) – with a goal of helping small and medium-sized businesses meet cashflow requirements and keep exporting during these challenging times.

Funding Relief for Businesses
On Wednesday, March 18th, the Prime Minister announced a relief package – Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan – for individuals and businesses affected by COVID-19. The package includes $27 billion in direct support to Canadians and businesses, and a further $55 billion to meet liquidity needs for businesses and households through tax deferrals. Some of the business-focused highlights include:
• Helping businesses with cash flow by deferring tax payments until August 31st;
• Essentially eliminating the payroll tax for three months by providing a 10% wage subsidy to small businesses, which will help keep people employed;

• Introducing a new Emergency Care Benefit of up to $900 bi-weekly for up to 15 weeks for self- employed people who are not eligible for EI sickness benefits;

• Further expand Export Development Canada’s ability to provide support to domestic businesses.
• Provide flexibility on the Canada Account limit, to allow the Government to provide additional support to Canadian businesses, when deemed to be in the national interest, to deal with
exceptional circumstances.
• Launch an Insured Mortgage Purchase Program to purchase up to $50 billion of insured mortgage pools through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). As announced
on March 16, this will provide stable funding to banks and mortgage lenders and support continued lending to Canadian businesses and consumers. CMHC stands ready to further support liquidity and the stability of the financial markets through its mortgage funding programs as necessary. The Government will enable these measures by raising CMHC’s legislative limits to guarantee securities and insure mortgages by $150 billion each.

A full list of the measures, including funding and timelines, can be found here:

Further expected actions by government
Last week, the Canadian Parliament adjourned until April 20th. This means that the federal budget will likely be postponed until then, although Minister Morneau would not confirm a date when asked by reporters. However, the Minister did say parliament could reconvene before then to pass emergency measures to stimulate the economy and support Canadians.

Minister Morneau also signaled there would be more targeted supports announced in the days ahead for the tourism and hospitality sectors, which could be especially hard-hit by the quarantine measures being brought in by municipal, provincial and federal authorities. NMMA Canada will be advocating on behalf of our members to ensure the voice of the recreational boating sector is heard as the government develops its response.

Resources for your business
• The federal government has set up a dedicated website for businesses seeking information about the response to COVID-19:
. They will also be hosting regular conference calls to update businesses and entrepreneurs; if you would like to be included in these calls, please fill in this Google form with your name, email, and organization.
• The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) has put together an excellent Q&A and list of resources for businesses:
. In addition, they have also opened their Helpline to all business owners including non-CFIB members for advice on managing COVID-19 situations in the workplace. To
talk to an expert, please call 1-888-234-2232.
• Canadian Chamber of Commerce president Perrin Beatty put out a tweet on March 17th calling on manufacturers to contact the federal government about potentially shifting production to
medical equipment needed in the fight against COVID-19. According to Beatty, “the need for ventilators and N95 safety masks is particularly acute.” If you are a manufacturer and believe
you could retool your operations to meet this need, please contact

As a reminder below are reminders of the directions given to the public federally and from each province. To prepare, health authorities are directing people to limit social contact and practice good hygiene (frequent handwashing, sneezing into your sleeve/arm, and staying home if you feel sick). Please see the following factsheet from the WHO on preparing your workplace:

As well, the government is strongly recommending that anyone who has traveled internationally – including to the United States – self-isolate at home for 14 days following their return. Here is a factsheet on how to self-isolate:

For reference, below are the provincial websites for COVID-19 related updates. Please monitor your home province’s website regularly as provincial authorities are announcing specific measures applying to businesses (for example, Quebec has ordered the closure of many businesses and public spaces in the
cultural and tourist sectors):

British Columbia






New Brunswick

Nova Scotia

Prince Edward Island

Newfoundland and Labrador

NMMA Canada is here to serve as a resource for you throughout this crisis. Please let us know of any changes or ways that we can further support your business over the course of the next few months.

Thank you for your continued support, and if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me or Jim Wielgosz (

Sara Anghel, President
National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) Canada